rcd 10.0: Program for Constructing an rcd of size (v,k,b)
(c) 2018 Design Computing (http://designcomputing.net/)

Note: Best rcd for v=12, r=2, k=4 and b=6

Try	iter	f	E(col)	E(row)	E	E/U	Concurrences
18	8	225	0.75	0.88	0.68	0.999	1(36) 2(30) 

Plan (as a k x b matrix) for try 18 using seed -420565842:

4	6	9	7	1	8	
2	5	6	11	8	10	
1	7	10	2	0	3	
5	3	0	9	11	4	

Note: rcd used 0.202 seconds.
Note: Evaluation copy - purchase at www.designcomputing.net